#1 Why Most Startups Fail: The Top 7 Reasons

1. Enterpreneur, Small Business and Tradesmen Lack of a viable business model

One of the most common reasons that startups fail is because they lack a viable business model. A lot of times, entrepreneurs, Small Business and Tradesmens are so focused on the product or service that they're offering that they don't take the time to figure out how they're actually going to make money. If you're not generating revenue, your startup is not sustainable. You need to figure out what your business model is and how you're going to make money before you can really start to grow your business. There are a few different ways to monetize a business, and it's important to figure out which one makes the most sense for your company. Do you want to sell products or services? How will you price your offerings? Will you need to generate advertising revenue? These are all important questions to answer before you can start building a successful startup. If you can't figure out how you're going to make money, your startup is likely to fail.

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James Leinbach

After 27 years in the trades industry, I sold my company and retired. Then two yeas later, I decided to be an advocate for those still working in the trades. My goal is to help the tradesmen to be more successful, work less hours, and to receive a high return on their time invested.


#2 Why Most Startups Fail: The Top 7 Reasons


Why Most Startups Fail: The Top 7 Reasons