#4 How to Write an Effective Job Description

4. Mention the desired experience and qualifications

An effective job description will mention the desired experience and qualifications for the role. This suggests to candidates what level of experience and skillset you are looking for, and helps them to self-select whether or not they are a good match for the role. There are a few different ways to approach this. Firstly, you could list the specific qualifications or experience that you require for the role. Alternatively, you could state the level of experience or seniority that you are looking for. For example, you could say that you are looking for a candidate with 5 years of experience in a similar role, or a candidate who is a senior level engineer. Whichever approach you choose, be sure to be clear and concise. You want to give candidates enough information to know whether or not they fulfill the requirements for the role, without overwhelming them with too many details. Read More…

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James Leinbach

After 27 years in the trades industry, I sold my company and retired. Then two yeas later, I decided to be an advocate for those still working in the trades. My goal is to help the tradesmen to be more successful, work less hours, and to receive a high return on their time invested.


#5 How to Write an Effective Job Description


#3 How to Write an Effective Job Description