#5 The Ultimate Guide to Writing Your Business Plan
5. Set timelines and milestones for your business plan.
Your business plan should include milestones and timelines for each of your major goals. This will help you to track your progress and stay on track. Here are a few tips for setting timelines and milestones: -Set a timeline for each goal. This will help you to stay focused and on track. -Make sure your timelines are realistic. If you plan to achieve a goal in a year, make sure you have a plan and timeline that will support that. -Be specific with your milestones. rather than setting a milestone of "launch website", set a milestone of "launch website with 10 pages by May 1st". -Revisit your milestones and timelines regularly to make sure you are still on track. following these tips will help you to set effective timelines and milestones for your business plan. Your Business Coach 007 Counselor will help you write a great Business PLAN!
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