Controllables vs. Non-Controllables 3

Business Coach 007

Understanding the Concept of Controllables

Part 3 of 7

The concept of controllables is an essential aspect of mastering the art of focus. Controllables refer to the factors or elements that we have the ability to influence, manipulate, or control in our lives. These factors are within our power to change or improve, and our actions can have a direct impact on them. Understanding controllables requires a deep level of self-awareness and reflection. It involves recognizing the aspects of our lives that we have agency over and those that are outside of our control. By identifying controllables, we can focus our energy and attention on the areas where we can make a difference and create positive change. Controllables can encompass a wide range of things, both internal and external. Internally, controllables may include our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and habits. These are aspects of ourselves that we can work on and improve through conscious effort and practice. By recognizing and acknowledging our internal controllables, we can develop greater self-mastery and personal growth. Externally, controllables may involve our actions, choices, decisions, goals, relationships, and environment. These are aspects of our external circumstances that we can influence through our behavior and choices. By focusing on our external controllables, we can create change in our lives and work towards achieving our goals and aspirations. One key aspect of understanding controllables is distinguishing between what we can control and what we cannot. It is important to accept that there are certain factors in life that are beyond our influence or power to change. These non-controllables may include external events, other people's actions, natural disasters, societal norms, and unforeseen circumstances. By focusing our attention and energy on what we can control, we can avoid wasting time and resources on things that are outside of our influence. This can help us maintain a sense of empowerment, resilience, and agency in the face of challenges and obstacles. It allows us to take proactive steps towards creating the outcomes we desire and responding effectively to the uncertainties and complexities of life. In essence, understanding controllables is about taking ownership of our lives and choices. It involves recognizing the power and responsibility we have to shape our reality and create the life we want to live. By embracing our controllables and letting go of what is beyond our control, we can cultivate a sense of focus, clarity, and purpose in our endeavors. In conclusion, mastering the art of focus begins with understanding the concept of controllables. By identifying and acknowledging the factors that are within our power to change, we can direct our attention and efforts towards creating positive outcomes and achieving our goals. By recognizing our controllables and choosing where to invest our energy, we can enhance our productivity, effectiveness, and success in both personal and professional domains.

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James Leinbach

After 27 years in the trades industry, I sold my company and retired. Then two yeas later, I decided to be an advocate for those still working in the trades. My goal is to help the tradesmen to be more successful, work less hours, and to receive a high return on their time invested.


Controllables vs. Non-Controllables 4


Controllables vs. Non-Controllables 2