1st in the series of: the why in business
Why finding your purpose matters
As an entrepreneur, it’s vital to find your purpose. With the ever-changing landscape of the economy, the job market, and the way businesses operate, it can be difficult to keep up. It's easy to get lost in the day-to-day and lose sight of what's important.
Your purpose is what drives you.
It's what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning and go to work. Especially on the days you don’t feel like leaving the warmth and comfort of your home to go to work. When you would rather stay home and spend the day with your family.
Is your work making a difference in the world? Knowing this and being called to your line of work makes it worth the effort. More than just filling your bank account so your can fill your belly. A calling is bigger than just today and more than just for you.
Find your purpose so you can focus your energies on achieving your business goals.
Pray to know your purpose and you'll be more productive, more satisfied with your work, and you'll have a greater sense of meaning in your life. There are a few things you can do to find your purpose.
Journal prompts:
Think about where you want to be tomorrow.
What you're good at?
What brings you joy?
What are your strengths?
What do you like to do in your free time?
What you want to achieve in your career?
What do you want in 5 years? 10?
What difference do you want to make in the world?
Think about when you pass into the next life. How can the work you have today have an effect on eternity?
Think about what you value most in life. What are your priorities?
How can you make an impact in other people’s lives?
Now, see what you’ve written and notice if there’s a pattern. What is on your heart to do for your family, neighbors, and friends? Narrow down your options and notice any resounding themes. Spend time in prayer and meditation and ask to see your purpose. It may take some time and searching, but it's worth the effort.
Once you’ve realized your personal life’s purpose, we can tackle how to create a valuable business in the next blog post. Then we’ll talk about creating financial independence, making an impact, delivering innovative solutions, overcoming obstacles, and building a legacy.
Next in this series…